Lady Diosa

Miss Diosa's school 

I have a school room that i use in Walsall where I hold regular school days for boys and girls. These days have a core curriculum of lessons including reading, writing, arithmetic and related subjects.

All pupils we be expected to be wearing the correct uniform when attending.

I do not tolerate any misbehaviour from any pupil, any pupil who falls short of my strict standards will punished appropriately.

If you wish to attend one of My school days, (see my diary for dates ) you can apply via the form below or email me

Miss Diosa's Devilish Delinquents

What to expect from one of my school days? 

The school day starts at 12noon so be sure to arrive in time to get changed into uniform and be behind your desk before the bell rings at 12oclock!

Uniform is very important you must wear the required attire otherwise there will be serious consequences and your bottom will pay for it.

During the day there will be a number of short lessons and of course a uniform inspection. Every lesson is different and well organised to ensure there is the right amount of learning and plenty of discipline so that you will go home with a sore bottom.

Refreshments are supplied but you are required to provide your own packed lunch.

Your level and experience will be taken into consideration. So please don't worry if you're new to the scene or if you're a well seasoned player I aim to cater for everyone the best I can. 

A consultation will take place before the school day to find out any vital information, I will ask about medical history so please do be honest as your health and safety is paramount.

I run detentions during the last hour where all students get their final whacks of the day to ensure all bad behaviour has been well and truly dealt with a hope that some lessons have been learnt. 

We have lots of fun in class and have lots of spanking fun, my aim is for you to have a safe space to dress up and mix with other like minded people, make friends for life and have a blast.

Please do remember all levels are catered for, you don't have to go home with a red and purple bottom. A nice warm feeling bottom is sometimes all that is required. 

School fee's £120  (deposit is required to book your place)

School tie  £5

Donations for school equipment are always welcome 

Uniform Autumn/Winter 


Navy Jumper or blazer

School tie (available to purchase at school shop)

White shirt

Grey or black smart trousers

White or navy socks 

Black smart shoes

White pants


Navy cardigan or blazer

School tie

white shirt 

Navy pleated skirt or Navy pinafore

White knee socks or navy tights

Flat black shoes 

White knickers

Hair must be tied back with a blue/navy ribbons or bow

Girls boys and crossdressers must all come to class freshly showered with a clean  ironed uniform. Don't be the smelly student its not nice for myself or your classmates. 

If you dare come to my class in anything different then the above do expect a very firm telling off and spanking during inspection.  

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    Site by Original Kink